

    $25.00 plus s/h (physical products)

           Coming Spring 2024!


    Special 2-Disc Set! NCC’s Largest Collection Ever! Features 30 of the Choir’s BEST Songs!

    We truly feel there is something for everyone among the songs chosen for this album: from high praise to tender, humble worship . . . from poignant songs that minister to hurting hearts such as “Somewhere In Your Silent Night” to joyous descriptions of our heavenly destination where we will “Behold Our God”. We are certain that you will be blessed as you listen!

  • Healer of My Heart

    $15.00 plus s/h (physical products)

    Healer of My Heart

    All of us experience times of sorrow, pain, and disappointment.  Thankfully, we don’t have to go through those times alone.  Scripture says that  God “will never leave us nor forsake us” (Deuteronomy 31); and further, that He will heal our broken hearts and bind up our wounds (Psalm 147). Our goal in this album is to bring hope to all of us, especially those who are hurting.

    Songs such as “Friend of a Wounded Heart” and “How Deep the Father’s Love”  reassure us of God’s presence and His peace. And confidence is built as we hear that while “Sometimes He Calms the Storm”, other times He calms us as we walk through the storm. Our faith journey is not free of trials, but when we trust him completely, our testimony can be ”My Faith Still Holds” and our voices can declare that He is “Honored, Exalted, and Glorified” because of His faithfulness to us!

    Many musical styles are found in this collection – from the classic “Every Valley” and the gorgeous a cappella “For God So Loved the World” to the stirring praise of “We Enter Your Gates” and “We Sing Worthy”. And you will love the title song “Healer of My Heart” as well as the beautiful setting of “Come to Jesus” (also known as “Untitled Hymn”).  Bottom line . . . you will be refreshed and blessed as you enjoy the uplifting sounds of the Choir on this album!

    “The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18

  • Your Great Grace

    $15.00 plus s/h (physical products)

    NEW for FALL 2022!

    In his song “Were It Not for Grace”, composer Phill McHugh expresses a thought we’ve all had a time or two . . . where would we be without God’s grace? He suggests we may be “wandering down some pointless road to nowhere, with our salvation up to us”! Thank God, we don’t have to rely on our good works or our own righteousness to enjoy God’s grace! In this album, you’ll find songs of encouragement and comfort as well as those of joyful, thankful praise.  You’ll hear about grace from Peter’s point of view in “Peter’s Song” – describing Christ’s forgiveness of his denial.  Snippets of favorite hymns – A Mighty Fortress, Holy, Holy, Holy, and All Hail the Power are woven into “With A Shout”, and the stirring rendition of the hymn “Redeemed” will certainly lift your spirit!  Tears are likely to flow as you listen to “My Alabaster Box” and “He Will Hold Me Fast”. But vibrant praise will have you singing along on “Chain Breaker” and thanking God that “Grace Wins” every time in the war between guilt and grace. Gratitude will well-up, too, when you hear “He Forgives and Forgets” and “Grace Flows Down”. And the favorite spiritual “Poor Wayfarin’ Stranger” reminds us that one day we’ll leave this world for a Heavenly home – “goin’ there to see my Savior who shed for me His precious blood”, making God’s wonderful grace available to each of us! “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.”  Ephesians 2:8-9  
  • Spirit and Truth

    $15.00 plus s/h (physical products)

    “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and truth”. John 4:24

     “Sanctify them by the truth; Your word is truth”. John 17:17

    An album of contemplation on the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, this collection of hymns, anthems, and praise songs will provide comfort and assurance as you listen.  In John 14:26 Jesus promises that the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name... He will teach you all things. And He will help you remember everything that I have told you.” And in John 16:13, He goes on to say that “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth”.  We know that truth to be God’s Word (John 17:17). Just as the beautiful cover photo by former NCC singer Nancy Snyder shows the mirror reflection of the heavens upon the water, so we are to reflect God’s truth as we walk according to His Word and are led by His Spirit. The songs on this recording will remind us to invite the Holy Spirit to play an active roll in our faith journey and to dwell daily in His Word.

    An Album of Comfort and Assurance! Absolutely a Must-Have!


    $15.00 plus s/h (physical products)


    "You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power . . .  Revelation 4:11a You will definitely want Worthy of Worship in your album collection! These songs have been so meaningful to the Choir as singers had to spend much time learning the music and reflecting on the lyrics at home due to Covid 19 regulations. The theme woven throughout is that God is worthy of our worship because of who He is, what He did to bring us salvation, and the wonderful things He continues to do in our lives. The song Way Maker  declares He is “Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the darkness.” And a unique arrangement of And Can It Be? cites God’s incredible love and sacrifice as reasons for His worthiness with these words: “Amazing love! How can it be that Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?”  Gospel favorites Oh Happy Day, We’ve Come This Far by Faith and His Eye Is on the Sparrow typify the joy and gratitude we express as we worship. Popular selections such as Is He Worthy? and You are Worthy – though entirely different in style – will certainly inspire you, as will the timeless anthems: All Rise and Because of Who You Are. And you’ll find the lyrics of Be Ye Glad to be most relevant today! The final chorus from Handel’s Messiah – Worthy Is the Lambcaps off this collection with a glorious setting of Revelation 5:12 -- “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing.”
  • Hymn Sing – Vol. 2: Majesty

    $15.00 plus s/h (physical products)
    Get your copy today! Following last year’s Hymn Sing Volume 1 – Homecoming Hymns, we decided to go to the polar opposite of the style spectrum for Volume 2 and feature the majestic hymns of our faith. Awe-inspiring, powerful, triumphant... these hymns will transport you to Sunday morning church with a great choir, maybe an organ or brass ensemble, but always with uplifting words that declare the unwavering precepts of God’s Word. This collection features three brand-new arrangements just recorded: All Hail the Power, O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing w/ How Firm a Foundation and Majesty (an a cappella setting of Jack Hayford’s popular worship hymn). A quick look at the list below will confirm the joy and exhilaration you’ll feel as the many voices of the National Christian Choir unite to sing such favorites as A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, And Can It Be, Crown Him with Many Crowns, Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee and more. This inspiring album is sure to lift your spirit and revitalize your faith! Use the Product Description section below to access audio samples of each track and purchase individual album tracks in mp3 format. Purchase the entire album in digital mp3 format: Please Note: Physical Media (CD) is $15.00 plus s/h Adjust Number of Physical CDs below:
  • HE Is Able

    $15.00 plus s/h (physical products)

    Get your copy today! Songs of Encouragement & Worship

    If ever there was a collection of songs that touch the heart and provide hope in trying times, this is it! From the meaningful lyrics of the title song, He Is Able, to the stirring worship sounds of Agnus Dei, you will find yourself lifted to a place of increased faith and confidence in God’s ability to move in your situation. A cappella anthems I Go to the Rock and I Will Rejoice are certain to lift your spirit, and Great Is the Lord with words taken straight out of Psalm 48 will inspire joy for sure! It’s About the Cross and It Is Finished  assure us of all that Christ provided through His sacrifice on the cross, and both Holy is the Lord Medley and O For a Thousand Tongues lead us in sincere, heart-felt worship.  I Then Shall Live combines Gloria Gaither’s lyrics with the Finlandia hymn tune to create a moving anthem of commitment, and Not Unto Us continues the theme of praise with an inspiring combination of words from Psalm 115 as well as the Doxology. We believe strongly that these songs will be a source of blessing, encouragement, comfort and inspiration.
  • Hymn Sing – Vol. 1 Homecoming

    $15.00 plus s/h (physical products)
    There’s nothing quite like a good old-fashioned hymn sing!  Often these events are a part of a church’s annual homecoming celebration where people return to their home church to see those they grew up with and to sing their favorite hymns – sometimes following a delicious “dinner on the grounds”. With that as a backdrop, you’ll appreciate this timeless collection which includes hymns that have stood the test of time and meant so much to many of us. A quick look at the list below will certainly reveal some of your favorites. And I’m sure you’ll enjoy the fresh, new arrangements of some of these hymns – particularly Wonderful Grace of Jesus and When the Roll is Called Up Yonder.  Others might bring a tear to your eye as you recall singing The Old Rugged Cross or In the Garden. Use the Product Description section below to access audio samples of each track and purchase individual album tracks in mp3 format. Purchase the entire album in digital mp3 format: Please Note: Physical Media (CD) is $15.00 plus s/h Adjust Number of Physical CDs below:
  • The Splendor of Christmas

    $15.00 plus s/h (physical products)
    The National Christian Choir releases the extraordinary songs from our 2017 Christmas concert on a brand-new album: The Splendor of ChristmasThis will be a must-have collection for your Christmas celebration – or any time of year. From the heart-warming strains of It Will Always Be Christmas to Me, to the praise-filled God With Us and the stunning arrangement of Little Drummer Boy, you are sure to be blessed. The Casting Crowns version of I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day is always a favorite and the fast-paced rendering of O Come All Ye Faithful, made popular by the Pentatonix, will definitely bring a smile to your face! The same is true of That Little Baby with Joy to the World and Go Tell It on the Mountain. A cappella lovers will be delighted by All is Well. And capping the album is the amazing Christ Is Born. It features the beautiful music of Puccini’s Nessun Dorma and five powerful male soloists singing with the Choir in an absolutely glorious tribute to our Savior and Lord!
  • NCC Goes to the Mountain (DVD)

    $15.00 plus s/h (physical products)
    On a sparkling winter day, the 170 voices of the National Christian Choir went to the mountain!  ThorpeWood Lodge – a beautiful setting in the Catoctin Mountains, just outside of Thurmont, MD and not far from Camp David – provided the backdrop for a praise-filled afternoon as the singers lifted their voices to honor God! Snow-covered hills and towering trees could be seen through the windows as sounds of exaltation rang out from the rafters of the rustic lodge. Then with the January sun waning, the Choir’s ensemble, “2nd Edition”, gathered around the soaring stone fireplace to share a poignant a cappella rendition of “Mary, Did You Know” – a fitting close to a meaningful day of musical worship. And now you can be right there with us for this “mountaintop experience” through this DVD. We pray that you will be blessed as you watch and listen.
  • Journey

    $15.00 plus s/h (physical products)

    "Go in peace, for the LORD is watching over your journey."                                                                                             Judges 18:6 When we accept Christ as Savior and Lord, each of us begins the journey of a lifetime! It’s an exciting journey, to say the least – filled with joy and freedom, more blessings than we can count and the security of knowing that wherever we go, God is right there with us and will never leave or forsake us. That’s a comforting thought as our journey sometimes takes unexpected twists and turns, some uphill climbs, and runs into an occasional obstacle that can seem insurmountable. Along the way, we learn the importance of commitment, prayer, and praise; we learn to depend on His help when the going gets rough, and we look forward with growing anticipation to the day when Christ returns for His church and brings us into our eternal home with Him. The songs on this recording will inspire, comfort, and reassure you, as you begin or continue your personal journey with the Lord.

    ”Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.”
  • A Taste of the NCC – Cookbook and CD

    $19.95 plus s/h (physical products)
    “A Taste of the NCC” presents nearly 500 delicious recipes from singers, alumni and friends of the National Christian Choir, packaged in a beautiful wide-spiral bound book which lays flat when open and folds back if desired. Covering a wide variety of food categories, this collection includes recipes for everything from appetizers to desserts: soups, salads, main dishes, veggies, breads and more. Also included: “A Taste of the NCC” Music CD
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