Your Great Grace

$15.00 plus s/h (physical products)

NEW for FALL 2022!

In his song “Were It Not for Grace”, composer Phill McHugh expresses a thought we’ve all had a time or two . . . where would we be without God’s grace? He suggests we may be “wandering down some pointless road to nowhere, with our salvation up to us”! Thank God, we don’t have to rely on our good works or our own righteousness to enjoy God’s grace!

In this album, you’ll find songs of encouragement and comfort as well as those of joyful, thankful praise.  You’ll hear about grace from Peter’s point of view in “Peter’s Song” – describing Christ’s forgiveness of his denial.  Snippets of favorite hymns – A Mighty Fortress, Holy, Holy, Holy, and All Hail the Power are woven into “With A Shout”, and the stirring rendition of the hymn “Redeemed” will certainly lift your spirit!  Tears are likely to flow as you listen to “My Alabaster Box” and “He Will Hold Me Fast”. But vibrant praise will have you singing along on “Chain Breaker” and thanking God that “Grace Wins” every time in the war between guilt and grace. Gratitude will well-up, too, when you hear “He Forgives and Forgets” and “Grace Flows Down”. And the favorite spiritual “Poor Wayfarin’ Stranger” reminds us that one day we’ll leave this world for a Heavenly home – “goin’ there to see my Savior who shed for me His precious blood”, making God’s wonderful grace available to each of us!

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.”  Ephesians 2:8-9


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