You may use your Credit Card, or you may use your PayPal Account. To use a credit card for automated monthly donations, you will need to create a PayPal account and associate a credit card with that account, if you have not done so already.
You will become a recurring subscriber and may modify or cancel your monthly donation subscription at anytime. Your recurring subscription will automatically renew for another 12 months unless canceled.
So that you may manage your subscription you will be given the opportunity to login to an existing NCC account or register for a new NCC account.
All contributions to The National Christian Choir (The NCC) are fully deductible up to IRS limits as a charitable contribution according to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and become the property of The NCC.
For cost of copies and postage, a financial statement is available from The Choir office or from the Office of the Secretary of State, State House, Annapolis, MD 21041.
You may use your Credit Card, or you may use your PayPal Account.
All contributions to The National Christian Choir (The NCC) are fully deductible up to IRS limits as a charitable contribution according to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and become the property of The NCC.
For cost of copies and postage, a financial statement is available from The Choir office or from the Office of the Secretary of State, State House, Annapolis, MD 21041.
The National Christian Choir
Each singer in The National Christian Choir is a volunteer – called to glorify God and share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Some of our singers are also able to enthusiastically support the ministry financially. Most, however, cannot give beyond what it costs them personally to participate.
You have the opportunity to become a Supporting or Vision Partner by pledging a monthly donation. It costs the organization over $3,500 per year (approximately $65 every week) to sustain just one singer. You have the opportunity to enable us to provide staffing, music, robes, equipment, insurance, advertising, printing, recording expenses, and much more.
To become a Supporting Partner by pledging a $10 - $20 monthly donation, complete the Partner Level form to the right.
To learn more about the Vision Partner program, select the Vision Partners "tab" above.
If you would prefer to be a Contributor with a one-time gift, please select the Contributor Level form to the right. You may also mail your gift to The NCC, 17B Firstfield Road, Suite 108, Gaithersburg, MD 20878.
"Psalm 95" Radio
“Psalm 95” is the weekly broadcast ministry of The National Christian Choir. Heard on nearly 300 Christian radio stations, and online via our website, the expenses of sustaining this ministry are significant. For that reason alone, we offer you the opportunity to help “Psalm 95” continue its impact on a hurting world. Your gift is much needed, and it changes lives.
Beyond that, and as God allows, our vision is to purchase air time in a number of metropolitan areas for the purpose of reaching more listeners – especially prisoners who write to us regularly as well as many who are unable to go to a local church and find “Psalm 95” their best time of worship.
To continue “Psalm 95” and possibly expand its impact, we need Supporting and Vision Partners – those who make a regular monthly donation designated for this program.
If you would like to become a Psalm 95 Supporting Partner, please complete the Partner Level form to the right.
To learn more about the NCC Vision Partner program, please select the Vision Partners tab above.
If you would like to be a Psalm 95 Contributor with a one-time gift, please complete the Contributor Level form below. You may also call us at 800-599-4710, or mail a contribution to the NCC office.
Music for Our Military (MOM) is an opportunity for you to bless United States military personnel with the inspirational music of the National Christian Choir. In addition to those serving abroad, MOM reaches out to our Wounded Warriors in military hospitals as well as to the Fisher House where their family members stay during those difficult times. For every $10 donated, we are able to give one CD by The National Christian Choir.
To become a Supporting Partner by pledging a $10 - $20 monthly donation, complete the Partner Level form to the right.
To learn more about the NCC Vision Partner program, select the Vision Partners "tab" above.
If you would prefer to be a Contributor with a one-time gift, please select the Contributor Level form to the right. You may also mail your gift to The NCC, P.O. Box 1600 Germantown, MD 20875-1600.
Join the thousands who make this wonderful ministry a reality each year. Your gifts are welcome at any time.