Some events/concerts (Christmas, occasional benefit events, etc.) require tickets and where that is the case, it is noted on the concert announcement below.  Most of our church concerts have free admission with a love offering being received. Due to unforeseen circumstances (such as weather-related issues), last minute changes may occur. You can confirm scheduled events/concerts or clarify directions by calling our office at (301) 670-6331 or (800) 599-4710.

Sandy Cove Ministries

Sandy Cove Ministries-North East, MD 60 Sandy Cove Road, North East

Admission is free, but if you're bringing a group of 12 or more and want to make sure you can all sit together, contact Val at Sandy Cove by July 5, 2017, to reserve seats for your group! Call: 800.234.COVE (2683), ext 402 or 443.674.9402 Email: [email protected]